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Empire Earth II for PC Review

My Score: 7.5 of 10

Great game, graphics and such are a huge improvement from Empire Earth. I actually played and beat all the single player missions this time, since before all I did was play LAN games against the computer with my brother.

I did not give it such a high score because I don't think it deserves it all that much just because of the graphics and all the other new world stuff they have. I wish they'd change more stuff in the game. Like maybe more weapons and a lot more differences between each civilization. It's still annoying to have to collect resources then all of a sudden you are getting screwed by the computer (single player mode) and you basically can not do much at all.

I have to admit this is the first game in ages that I actually used some cheats on some missions, since I was not planning on playing these missions for hours, yes, I know there is a save option but I don't also plan on playing the game for a few months to a year.

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