Rift Rogue 1.8 Hotfix #1 Fixes

* Cadence: Fixed the tooltip showing the min and max damage values as the same number.

* Fiery Spike: Fixed the tooltip showing the min and max damage values as the same number.
* Smother: Fixed a tooltip bug where the damage of rank 5 is shown as zero.

* Rain of Arrows: Fixed the tooltip showing the min and max damage values as the same number.
* Diffuse: Now only works on attacks that can be reflected or redirected. Diffuse effect is also removed if your pet dies; damage can no longer be redirected onto a dead pet.

Rift 1.8 Rogue Changes

Here are the final changes for 1.8 for Rogues. I really wish they would have increased our energy regeneration rate though, us Rogues can always hope for 1.9 or before then though.

* Deadly Dance: The damage bonus from Deadly Dance now only applies to Combo Point-generating attacks that use melee weapons. No longer applied to Saboteur Charges or ranged weapon Combo Point generators.
* False Blade: Renamed to Meditative Trance. Functionality changed – now a Finisher that heals the Rogue over 12 seconds.
* Improved False Blade: Renamed to Improved Meditative Trance. Functionality changed – increases the amount healed from Meditative Trance by 25-50%.

* Electrified Munitions: Damage now scales with Attack Power.
* Empowered Shot: Energy cost reduced to 40 from 45.
* Eradicate: No longer has a ‘travel’ delay between use and hit.
* Strafe: Fixed a bug where Strafe would not deal damage when channeled on a target-of-target.
* Vampiric Munitions: The amount of healing siphoned has been reduced from 50% to 40%. Healing reduction remains at 50%.

* Dusk to Dawn: Fixed a bug where the Nightrage buff would not be applied if the first tick of Dusk to Dawn killed the target.
* Fell Blades: The amount of healing siphoned has been reduced from 50% to 40%. Healing reduction remains at 50%.

* Improved Escape Artist: Ability Removed – the functionality has been rolled into the base Escape Artist ability.
* Shadow Fire: Fixed the Shadow Fire buff not applying if the target is killed or immune to damage on hit.
* Splinter Shot: Energy cost reduced to 40 from 45.
* Steady Hand – New Ability: Increases the effect of Attack Power on ranged weapon abilities by 5%, plus an additional 2% per point spent in Ranger above 26.
* Zardonis’ Ranger Crystal: 2-piece Bonus now also reduces the Energy cost of Shadow Fire by 10.

Changed several abilities to make Riftstalker mitigation more consistent during encounters.
* Improved Guardian Phase: Now also reduces damage taken from Physical attacks by 5% and non-Physical attacks by 7%.
* Rift Guard: Now only absorbs 10% of incoming damage in PvP at its base level.
* Shadow Guard: Now reduces Physical damage taken by 3-15%.
* Zardonis’ Riftstalker Crystal: 2-piece bonus: Functionality changed – now increases maximum health by 5%.

* The goal of Saboteur changes in 1.8 is to make the Saboteur a competitive AOE DPS soul, in line with other AOE DPS souls like the Cabalist and Stormcaller, but based more on setup rotations for damage.
* Due to the below changes, character roles with soul points spent in Saboteur have received a free respec for that role.
* All Saboteur Charges can no longer be parried, dodged, blocked, or deflected.
* All Traps, except Land Mines, no longer have a cooldown.
* Shrapnel Charges are now removed when a character resurrects while in PvP.
* Bomb Specialist: Damage increased by 5-25%, up from 3-15%. Now also reduces the Energy cost of Bombs by 1-5.
* Caltrop Charge: Functionality changed – Now causes the target and surrounding enemies to Bleed for 10 seconds when detonated. Damage increased.
* Carpet Bombing: Reduced cooldown to 1 minute from 2.
* Charge Booster: Functionality changed – now increases the Attack Power contribution to damage of Charges by 10%. For every point spent in Saboteur above 21, the Attack Power contribution is increased by 3%.
* Chemical Bomb: Duration of the effect increased to 10 seconds, up from 8. Damage adjusted.
* Combat Survival: Ability removed.
* Combat Wounds – New Ability: Increases the damage of Spike Charge and Caltrop Charge by 15-30%.
* Combined Arms: New ability. Your Fragmentation Bomb detonates all Charges on the primary target. Existing Combo Points on the target trigger Shrapnel Bomb, dealing Physical damage to surrounding enemies.
* Demolition Specialist – Functionality Changed: Now only takes a single point. Your Annihilation Bomb detonates all Charges on the primary target. Existing Combo Points on the target trigger Shrapnel Bomb, dealing Physical damage to surrounding enemies.
* Embers Charge: Now deals damage and causes the target and surrounding enemies to take an additional 5% damage from non-physical attacks. Lasts 12 seconds per Charge.
* Fragmentation Bomb: Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds from 15.
* High Explosives: Functionality changed – your Fragmentation Bomb, Time Bomb, and Annihilation Bomb now cause the target and surrounding enemies to Bleed for 10 seconds. Now stacks up to 3 times.
* Improved Chemical Bomb – New Ability: Available at 20 points. Increases the damage of Chemical Bomb by 15-30%.
* Improved Entangling Trap: Moved from availability at 20 points to 15 points.
* Improved Spike Charge: Ability removed.
* Increased Explosive Power: Damage increased by 5-25%, up from 3-15%.
* Rapid Setup: Reduced cooldown to 30 seconds from 1 minute.
* Spike Charge: Duration of the effect increased to 10 seconds, up from 9. Damage Over Time interval is now every 2 seconds, down from 3. Damage adjusted.
* Splinter Charge: Now deals damage and applies its debuff to the target and surrounding enemies. Reduces target armor by a fixed amount. Lasts 12 seconds per charge.
* The Trapper: Ability removed.
* Trench Warfare: New ability. Increases the Attack Power contribution to the damage of all Bombs, Traps, and Land Mines by 10%. Also affects Detonate. For every point spent in Saboteur above 26, the Attack Power contribution is increased by 5%.
* Zardonis’ Saboteur Crystal: 2-Piece Bonus: Functionality changed – now increases the damage of Blast Charge and Spike Charge by 30%.
* Zardonis’ Saboteur Crystal: 4-Piece Bonus: Functionality changed – now increases the damage of all Saboteur AOE abilities by 15%.

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