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The Call of Duty in me has been dying for many years now, however I’m still looking forward to Black Ops 3. Gaming in general has died down a lot, though with all the new exciting releases coming up over the next bunch of months that should see a slight change.

I don’t have many expectations for it, but I do at least hope it’s a lot better and more fun than Advanced Warfare (not that it was horrible). There a lot of other games I look forward to play a lot more than this title though, especially The Division.

Last night I went and saw Furious 7 at the 7pm “midnight” opening and it was absolutely amazing. It had everything you could ask for in the Fast and Furious franchise. It had a lot of non-stop action, good fight scenes between all of the actors and a plot that I personally enjoyed and it seems other did as well.

The movie played a lot of homage to entire franchise throughout the years, including old friends such as Hector to even one of the two Muscle racers that Paul and Tyrese raced against in 2 Fast 2 Furious.

The ending was a very emotional ending and one of the best that I think a movie could do for the loss and memory of Paul Walker.

Vin Diesel gave one of the best voice over speeches that you could ask for it. The best part of it was, was that fact he was just NOT speaking for the movie but also as a real-life speech and to his best friend on and off the screen. It was one of those moments where it takes you out of the movie experience and into real-life and it was a touching one.

Rest in Peace Paul Walker, you will truly be missed. Thank you for everything.

Paul Walker

I LOVE The Fast and Furious franchise, huge Vin Diesel fan and Paul Walker too. So with that said, I’m looking forward to this hilarious spoof movie called Superfast! that makes fun of The Fast and Furious franchise. It’s also from the guys who made Meet The Spartans too, and whatever else.

I wish I had much more time to post more than just trailers but that’s what happens usually when I start seeing someone in the first few months so far anyways. :)

But as far as this trailer goes, Let’s Be Cops, starring fucking Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson whom are just badass hilarious actors to begin with. I think this will be hands down the best comedy of the year, and definitely for the summer.

It has been a while where I have laughed so far and even went as far as to re-watch this trailer a few times. I am anxiously waiting for this movie. Especially this year being probably the first year where I have barely watched movies or gone to them as much, probably because my interests and things I am doing have changed so much.

Jurassic Park 4 has been renamed to Jurassic World and has a release date of June 12th, 2015 which is so god damn fucking far away. :'(

I am excited for it though and the new series of them. Yes, more than just 1 movie to come! I have always loved the Jurassic Park series yet alone have seen them all way, way, way too many times.

Jurassic World
