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This will be a short post because I could rant on Gowalla, its staff and decisions all day long. Gowalla is going nowhere, fast. Here is just a brief reason as to why.

Earlier today Gowalla tweeted the following: (which are exact copies from FourSquare’s features)

More fun: you can now add notes & recommendations to spots in your trips, plus create twice as many trips as before!less than a minute ago via web

Now, I do not care about the above features, nor will I probably ever use them. However, back on March 17th, 2010 Gowalla tweeted (and shortly later deleted) the following tweet. Which when they first tweeted this, I laughed to Michael about because 2 weeks is more like 6 months to Gowalla when it comes to anything on the Android phone. Gowalla puts their priority into the iPhone and fails hard with the Android. However, just recently, Android passed iPhone users. Will anything change though because of that? No.

Anyhow, like I said already, there is a lot I can write about Gowalla and will save that for another time. But if Gowalla wants to succeed, they need to start making such easy features more wildly available and ready right away, not months later. It took Gowalla way too long to produce a working Gowalla app, after many failed promises it finally arrived and was dreadful. The mobile site was much better than the first initial releases (before beta). Finally they have a working app for the past 2 months but it lacks many features and design issues that the iPhone clearly does not have.

Are Nintendo consoles going to disappear just like Sega did in 2001 within the next 5 to 10 years? Maybe around 2016? I think so. I do not think you will see them completely disappear, I see them taking the same route as Sega and moving towards all software instead.

Why do I think this? Well read and think about this. Microsoft has the Project Natal addon for its Xbox 360 coming out later this year in 2010. Project Natal is going to be able to do much more than the Nintendo Wii will ever do and just possibly any new console Nintendo ever pushes out, could do.

Microsoft Xbox Video Games are just so much superior than Wii’s little games, mainly arcade titles remade, Wii Resort, Wii Sports, etc. Exclude Xbox Live for a moment, any game hands down beats the Wii down. We all know this, yes, there are different groups of gamers that love Wii games over the 360. That is all understandable, I am not arguing this anywhere. But that group of people is much smaller than the larger group for Xbox 360 (or even PlayStation).

I am not bashing the Wii or Nintendo, I can see how it looks like I might be. But I have always loved Nintendo, maybe not so much now a days as I do towards the Xbox 360. I just for see them eventually disappearing such as what has happened to Sega in the console market. We have, or at least I and many others, grown up and seen great fun consoles disappear and in a short period of time to never live a “full life”.

Nintendo has Zelda, Mario and other great, lovable and never, ever forgettable characters but will they always be there to save the console? I do not think so. Yes, the Nintendo Wii has sold many, many consoles. There is no doubt about that or looking at those stats, that you would think Nintendo would disappear from the console market. But I at least, am one of those people that just think it could inevitably happen.

Kids love the Wii and it is a great party system to kids and teens. Sometimes even adults. Maybe I am looking at the Nintendo from a pro gamer aspect and then thinking it can not survive, while part of that may be true, I think you need to hit that pro gamer market and older markets to further survive. Everyone grows up, so I think that everyone that is growing up with the Wii, will eventually need to be hit as well or they may lose them too and come to a drought in between generations.

Last Thursday Night, my girlfriend Jordan, my brother and my good friend Michael went to see Iron Man 2 at the midnight release. We literally sat through 20 minutes of trailers, the most we have ever had to sit through. I am not necessary complaining about it but 20 minutes is a long time to watch trailers, we saw this movie at an AMC theatre.

The movie was fucking awesome and I really enjoyed it. I think I can say the same for all of us too that saw it too. If you see it, make sure to stay till the end of the credits. Majority of our crowd in the theatre stayed after the movie to watch the clip that we all knew was going to happen, just like at the end of Iron Man.

First off, there were a bunch of easter eggs, if you are interested in finding out what they were, click that link and enjoy. If you have not seen the movie, I would not recommend you read it. There are more articles out there on Google you can go to which provide more pictures of the easter eggs and discussion.

Now about the movie, the action scenes were awesome and well done. The best part I loved about the movie, is the final fight scene and the weapon that Tony Stark/Iron Man uses. If you have seen the movie, you know what I am talking about. If you have not seen it yet, you will know what I am talking about when you get to the scene.

I was also sketchy at first with Don Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard as Rhodey. Do not get me wrong, Don Cheadle is a fucking badass actor and the same goes with Terrence Howard. But in the end, I think Don Cheadle deserves the role of Rhodey. The moments and humor between him and Tony/Iron Man throughout the movie were greatly written and well done. The chemistry was perfect, I think.

You will also notice that a lot of new characters are introduced in this movie than the first one. I have read around that more of the characters could of had a little more screen time such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson and Clark Gregg especially. I do not 100% agree with this, but I do think they should of had a little more screen time. I am barely a fan of Sam Rockwell and his acting, but he did play the role of Justin Hammer good.

In the end, I rate Iron Man 2 a 10/10. It is definitely worth seeing and paying for. You can not go wrong here with the purchase, unless of course you do not like Iron Man or maybe even the first one.

Yes, you heard the title right. Gowalla is more than okay with you cheating, not only you but your friends as well, for items. They also allow Street Team Elite Member(s) to cheat as well without any consequences against them.

One of these cheaters is Ryan Graves aka “jonessodarally” on Twitter, Gowalla, and MySpace. He also just happens to be part of the Street Team Elite for Gowalla. A few months ago Ryan Graves openly admitted on Twitter that he was using the Geolocation hacks to check-in at numerous, countless spots that to this day were never removed as check-ins and further more, action, even as a Street Team Elite Member, was never taken on him for doing so.

So this is where Gowalla is more than okay, with you cheating its system and grabbing those items you really want to vault.

Jonathan Carroll of Gowalla tried to reach out on Twitter about the current problem going on but as typical companies, Gowalla just being another one of those, never even responded to the email he was sent after he asked for one. Nice job. Source: Jonathan Carroll’s Tweet on April 12th @ 11:56 AM CST.

The number one movie has to be Iron Man 2.

Now not so much in any particular order, the movie’s I am really looking forward to seeing are:

The Expendables – Huge cast of awesome actors from Jason Statham! to Sylvester Stallone to Mickey Rourke and more.
Toy Story 3 – It is fucking Toy Story… 3.
Get Him To The Greek – Jonah Hill, Russell Brand, oh yeah.
Grown Ups – Has Adam Sandler Kevin James and more)
Predators – I hope will be good, really hope so.
Red Dawn (remake) – I loved the original, I just so hope they do not fuck it up.
The American – George Clooney is a great actor, but this movie seems so-so and possibly just not theatre worthy.
Little Fockers – Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, and etc are back for another sequel, I think and hope it will be funny.
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas – it is Harold and Kumar, come on? How could you not want to see it?

That is just a little list of what I hope to all or mostly enjoy this year in movies. There are more to name but most of these are the bigger ones I have kept or stuck out to me at the moment. What are yours?

Do not get me wrong, I am all for Earth Hour if we all did it properly. But the case is, is that we do not.

If companies and if any of their locations, the large number of those, do not participate in this. Then no one wins and it is just a waste. Not only that, but Earth Hour is only once a year for an hour. Where is the logic in this? What is this suppose to teach us? Is this suppose to make us or the Earth feel better? Well, it does not what so ever. It probably hurts more than anything, especially when, if anyone, is turning those lights back on an hour later anyways.

If you want to help the earth, people and companies need to start getting their act together, which in the long run will most likely save the money anyways, start switching to fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent. It does not stop there, recycling, unplugging devices not in use, commuting better and so forth.

Anyways, I just wanted to write a simple short blog post on this. I am not your average “lets save the earth” guy, but I am no where near against saving the earth or against doing anything that is not better for the earth. If you are interested in helping out, there are many sites out on the internet such as for which you can learn more on how to get involved, from just you, to companies to schools and so forth.

Here is the upcoming downloadable content “Stimulus Package” for Modern Warfare 2. Provided for you in High Definition (HD). There are 3 new maps, Bailout, Storm and Salvage. Then also 2 old maps from Call of Duty 4 (COD4), Crash and Overgrown.

This map pack is exclusive to Xbox Live for the first match and will be out on March 30th, 2010. After the exclusive month is up, you will be able to grab them on PS3 or PC. This map pack on Xbox Live is 1200 MSP.

If you are looking to obtain the three achievements or trophies for collecting all M-Com Stations in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 then watch both videos below (Part 1/2). These are in High Definition, they will auto play in High Definition too. If you open them in a new window, they may not. They are best viewed in 720p but 480p/360p is watchable too.

Complete Blackout Achievement for destroying all satellite uplinks. This is glitched so you will get it before getting all 24.
Communication Issues Achievement for destroying 15 satellite uplinks.
Link to the Past Achievement for destroying 1 satellite uplink.

I hope you enjoy this achievement/trophy guide. If you have any trouble, questions or anything else. Please do comment on this post or make a forum reply under this topic in my forums.
