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On Saturday, August 29th, 2009 my Xbox 360 Pro Launch Console received the dreaded E74 error message. Which is basically right next to the RROD error. My Xbox 360 Launch Console is obviously out of warranty and I was not going to pay $99 to get rid of the launch console to only get a refurbished one sent back to me that could possibly get this again. Plus, the launch console is too valuable to me for various reasons.

Anyways, here is what I have noticed with the Xbox 360 Elite Fall 2009 build. The console is obviously quieter, without a doubt. I forget it is on, which is even better when you are using it to play movies. I never really had a problem with it while playing video games. I also noticed that game discs load much faster than before with the launch console. Then there is the Jasper CPU which you will not really notice but it is better than the Falcon CPU they used in the launch and early on system consoles. These 360’s should not be prone as much to the RROD’s or E74 error messages either.

If you are looking to get an Xbox 360, definitely by the Fall 2009 consoles or any other ones with later build dates. If you some how have waited this long to get an Xbox 360 because of hearing people with RROD/E74 problems, then you should not of waited but no need to wait any longer now either.

Microsoft Xbox is really starting to fail at the moment. Why? Because of their Xbox 360 Hard Drive Migration Kit’s. You can NOT find these in-stores. You can only order them for approximately $14 through them by calling them. I would really, really like to know why is this? and what genius thought of this. Because he or she is not only a fucking moron but should be fired. Maybe I am sounding a bit harsh but not really, read on.

Here is my problem: Xbox 360 dropped their prices this past Friday. On Saturday my launch system console received the E74 error message. Coincidence? I would think not. My Xbox 360 is obviously out of warranty since it’s a launch system console, almost 4 years old in just about 2 1/2 months. I do not want to just give away my launch system for $99 only to get a refurbished one so instead I decided to order the Xbox 360 Elite Fall 2009 edition from Amazon.

Here is where my problem gets worse, I want to transfer my 20GB HD over to my new 120GB when I get it tomorrow. I would love to start using the 120GB HD right away. It is almost for sure I will not be able to tomorrow and I will have to wait at least a week. No store sells the Xbox 360 Hard Drive Migration Kit. How ridiculous is that? I am so, so surprised no one on eBay is selling them either because 99% of people should not need them after they have used it. Yes, you can find third-party ones from Hong Kong on there. But the disc to transfer probably will come in PAL format, be unreadable and I am not waiting weeks for it to get here from Hong Kong. So that is not an option, the only legit one I found is from Canada and that will still take too long to get here.

So to end this, Microsoft Xbox, you should really think about putting the Hard Drive Migration Kit’s in-stores. Why you don’t all these years is beyond me. Especially since you sell them WITH separate 120GB hard drives in which my case, that would be a huge waste of money since I have a 120GB HD coming with the console. Also the fact that I have seen that it does have its own packaging so why even bother making packages for it if you still have not put them in-stores? You may as well just not do that to make it look pretty and throw them in a box when you ship them to someone.
