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These are not in any particular order either.

– TuneWiki
– Shazam
– ShopSavvy (Barcode Scanner and Compare Everywhere are great too)
– Scoreboard (Replaces all sports apps like Pro Football Live)
– StreamFurious
– The Weather Channel
– Bartender
– Ringdroid

I am still waiting for a good Twitter App to be made. I am not happy enough with Twidroid and the others are still not as good as Twidroid too. I do wish the Facebook App would get better, if possible. The MySpace App is pretty cool if I were actually use MySpace.

Now there are still other good apps to use that may not be on a regular basis or a game. These do not include the default apps that already come with the phone like Amazon MP3, Maps, etc). Those would be the following: Any Cut, aSettings, Backgrounds, Bonsai Blast, HotSpot Locator, Hold’em, MyBackup, PAC-MAN, ParkMark, Picasa, PhoneFlix (NetFlix), Pro Basketball, QSearch, Quickpedia, Tetroid, Solitaire, Tip Calculator, Txtract and Video Player.
