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Today Apple introduced some awesome new or updated of their products or applications at their San Francisco event, Let’s Rock.

iTunes 8.0 was the first update to be introduced. A new feature ‘Genius’ was introduced. Which is just an awesome feature that I can not wait to play with. One part of it, is that it picks similar artists and songs related to what you are listening to that you may like that you do not own. It also will create a playlist for songs similar to what you’re playing that you may love too. I highly suggest checking this out and playing with it yourself! All of this information is sent to Apple anonymous, so there is no need to worry if you were.

Next, new iPod nanos! Yes, Kevin Rose got another thing right too. Not only did he first mention this and later iTunes 8.0 coming on his video rumor. The new iPod nano is very slick. Thank god they learned that no one liked the design they just came out with. They have a very nice design now, sporting a slightly bigger screen, too. New price is $149 for 8GB and $199 for 16GB. You will get 24 hours of music and 4 hours of video, typically. The Genius feature is included as well and can be used by simply pressing and holding the center button.

New in-hear headphones. They ship with 3 earbuds and have 2 drivers each, a subwoofer and tweeter. They will sell for $79.

Updated iPod Touch coming out! It will have the same display but also be even thinner. It will have a contoured stainless steel design (like the new iPod nano). They’ve integrated volume controls to the side now and now comes with a built-in speaker. Steve Jobs even mentions that it was hard for them to do that with the iPod Touch being even thinner now. App Store is now built in and of course, comes with Genius feature that is in iTunes 8.0.

Continuing with the iPod Touch, they enhanced the UI and better artwork on albums. They’ve built-in Nike+ now with the Touch. So the receiver is built-in but you will need the transmitter in your shoe. You will get around 36 hours while listening to music and 6 hours of watching video. The 8GB will sell for $229, 16GB for $299 and 32GB for $399.

iPhone firmware 2.1 was introduced. Steve Jobs says this is a big update and fixes lots of bugs. Fewer dropped calls, big battery life improvements and no crashes with Apps. Backing up is also faster too. This update will be free to all owners this Friday, September 12th, 2009.

That ends what was shown and talked about at this Apple Event minus some additional talking of statistics and such.
