Rift Rogue Confirmed Upcoming Fix for Saboteur Time Bombs

A new bug has been confirmed by Ailion that was posted by Zyzyx and others that the Saboteur’s time bomb is being removed by other player’s time bombs.

This bug will be hot fixed shortly.

It will be hot fixed shortly, you can likely expect this in the next hotfix some between Monday April 23rd and Friday April 27th.

Now one of the next bug fixes we need is for the Pet Blood Raptor’s Rend bug to be fixed on it not being used and/or falling off when it should not be.

Rift Rogue 1.8 Hotfix #1 Fixes

* Cadence: Fixed the tooltip showing the min and max damage values as the same number.

* Fiery Spike: Fixed the tooltip showing the min and max damage values as the same number.
* Smother: Fixed a tooltip bug where the damage of rank 5 is shown as zero.

* Rain of Arrows: Fixed the tooltip showing the min and max damage values as the same number.
* Diffuse: Now only works on attacks that can be reflected or redirected. Diffuse effect is also removed if your pet dies; damage can no longer be redirected onto a dead pet.

Rift 1.8 Rogue Changes

Here are the final changes for 1.8 for Rogues. I really wish they would have increased our energy regeneration rate though, us Rogues can always hope for 1.9 or before then though.

* Deadly Dance: The damage bonus from Deadly Dance now only applies to Combo Point-generating attacks that use melee weapons. No longer applied to Saboteur Charges or ranged weapon Combo Point generators.
* False Blade: Renamed to Meditative Trance. Functionality changed – now a Finisher that heals the Rogue over 12 seconds.
* Improved False Blade: Renamed to Improved Meditative Trance. Functionality changed – increases the amount healed from Meditative Trance by 25-50%.

* Electrified Munitions: Damage now scales with Attack Power.
* Empowered Shot: Energy cost reduced to 40 from 45.
* Eradicate: No longer has a ‘travel’ delay between use and hit.
* Strafe: Fixed a bug where Strafe would not deal damage when channeled on a target-of-target.
* Vampiric Munitions: The amount of healing siphoned has been reduced from 50% to 40%. Healing reduction remains at 50%.

* Dusk to Dawn: Fixed a bug where the Nightrage buff would not be applied if the first tick of Dusk to Dawn killed the target.
* Fell Blades: The amount of healing siphoned has been reduced from 50% to 40%. Healing reduction remains at 50%.

* Improved Escape Artist: Ability Removed – the functionality has been rolled into the base Escape Artist ability.
* Shadow Fire: Fixed the Shadow Fire buff not applying if the target is killed or immune to damage on hit.
* Splinter Shot: Energy cost reduced to 40 from 45.
* Steady Hand – New Ability: Increases the effect of Attack Power on ranged weapon abilities by 5%, plus an additional 2% per point spent in Ranger above 26.
* Zardonis’ Ranger Crystal: 2-piece Bonus now also reduces the Energy cost of Shadow Fire by 10.

Changed several abilities to make Riftstalker mitigation more consistent during encounters.
* Improved Guardian Phase: Now also reduces damage taken from Physical attacks by 5% and non-Physical attacks by 7%.
* Rift Guard: Now only absorbs 10% of incoming damage in PvP at its base level.
* Shadow Guard: Now reduces Physical damage taken by 3-15%.
* Zardonis’ Riftstalker Crystal: 2-piece bonus: Functionality changed – now increases maximum health by 5%.

* The goal of Saboteur changes in 1.8 is to make the Saboteur a competitive AOE DPS soul, in line with other AOE DPS souls like the Cabalist and Stormcaller, but based more on setup rotations for damage.
* Due to the below changes, character roles with soul points spent in Saboteur have received a free respec for that role.
* All Saboteur Charges can no longer be parried, dodged, blocked, or deflected.
* All Traps, except Land Mines, no longer have a cooldown.
* Shrapnel Charges are now removed when a character resurrects while in PvP.
* Bomb Specialist: Damage increased by 5-25%, up from 3-15%. Now also reduces the Energy cost of Bombs by 1-5.
* Caltrop Charge: Functionality changed – Now causes the target and surrounding enemies to Bleed for 10 seconds when detonated. Damage increased.
* Carpet Bombing: Reduced cooldown to 1 minute from 2.
* Charge Booster: Functionality changed – now increases the Attack Power contribution to damage of Charges by 10%. For every point spent in Saboteur above 21, the Attack Power contribution is increased by 3%.
* Chemical Bomb: Duration of the effect increased to 10 seconds, up from 8. Damage adjusted.
* Combat Survival: Ability removed.
* Combat Wounds – New Ability: Increases the damage of Spike Charge and Caltrop Charge by 15-30%.
* Combined Arms: New ability. Your Fragmentation Bomb detonates all Charges on the primary target. Existing Combo Points on the target trigger Shrapnel Bomb, dealing Physical damage to surrounding enemies.
* Demolition Specialist – Functionality Changed: Now only takes a single point. Your Annihilation Bomb detonates all Charges on the primary target. Existing Combo Points on the target trigger Shrapnel Bomb, dealing Physical damage to surrounding enemies.
* Embers Charge: Now deals damage and causes the target and surrounding enemies to take an additional 5% damage from non-physical attacks. Lasts 12 seconds per Charge.
* Fragmentation Bomb: Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds from 15.
* High Explosives: Functionality changed – your Fragmentation Bomb, Time Bomb, and Annihilation Bomb now cause the target and surrounding enemies to Bleed for 10 seconds. Now stacks up to 3 times.
* Improved Chemical Bomb – New Ability: Available at 20 points. Increases the damage of Chemical Bomb by 15-30%.
* Improved Entangling Trap: Moved from availability at 20 points to 15 points.
* Improved Spike Charge: Ability removed.
* Increased Explosive Power: Damage increased by 5-25%, up from 3-15%.
* Rapid Setup: Reduced cooldown to 30 seconds from 1 minute.
* Spike Charge: Duration of the effect increased to 10 seconds, up from 9. Damage Over Time interval is now every 2 seconds, down from 3. Damage adjusted.
* Splinter Charge: Now deals damage and applies its debuff to the target and surrounding enemies. Reduces target armor by a fixed amount. Lasts 12 seconds per charge.
* The Trapper: Ability removed.
* Trench Warfare: New ability. Increases the Attack Power contribution to the damage of all Bombs, Traps, and Land Mines by 10%. Also affects Detonate. For every point spent in Saboteur above 26, the Attack Power contribution is increased by 5%.
* Zardonis’ Saboteur Crystal: 2-Piece Bonus: Functionality changed – now increases the damage of Blast Charge and Spike Charge by 30%.
* Zardonis’ Saboteur Crystal: 4-Piece Bonus: Functionality changed – now increases the damage of all Saboteur AOE abilities by 15%.

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