Ailion posted more of the following changes that should be on the PTS already by now.
Ailion posted the following changes that will be on the PTS soon for Rogues.
I easily welcome the Assassin (especially!) and Nightblade changes. Bladedancer will be nice even though I personally do not touch it almost ever. Sad to see the decreased damage though in Tactician but we will have to see how it plays out and how much it ends up being in the end.
I posted 4 new builds for those interested in trying something different in PVP or about time learned to Bard just as long as it took me to not be lazy and write the guide.
51 Marksman / 10 Assassin / 5 Nightblade (Ranged, Higher DPS than 15 Ranger)
51 Marksman / 15 Ranger (Ranged)
51 Bladedancer / 10 Assassin / 5 Nightblade (Melee)
51 Nightblade / 10 Marksman / 5 Assassin (Melee)
51 Assassin / 15 Nightblade / 0 Saboteur (Melee)
44 Marksman / 20 Bladedancer / 2 Nightblade (Ranged)
More coming soon?
If you have not read my first Conquest review, you should go ahead and read it.
Trion has had a little more time now to take care of the on-going issues and has even managed to fix the spawn camping. While this is great now, the matches are lasting insanely too long for me to enjoy it like I would want. How long are the matches normally lasting? 2 to 4 hours, yes, that long. People are even resorting to asking others to stop capturing points and lose on purpose so that we can earn our Marks of Conquest faster and get in another Conquest match again faster.
You soon then become to realize that Conquest is turning more into PVE and Zerg than it is just PVP and Zerg. Each faction is rolling from extractor to extractor while another faction is behind taking the one you just took or taking them over on the other side. With 12,000 kills to go through, a lot of the matches are barely going past having 3,000 people killed and no where in sight of any of the 3 factions taking over 60% of Stillmoor. They really need to lower the amount of total kills and/or somehow draw more PVP towards one another.
One way that Trion could engage more PVP would be to randomly spawn Collossi throughout the map while also buffing the Collossi’s health some depending on the amount of people in Conquest.
Another way could also be to increase the control rate of some or all of the extractors.
They could also add an area that needs to be controlled after a certain amount of time that would increase rewards or loot of something that all 3 factions could engage against and fight for.
I am sure there is a lot more they could do that I have not mentioned or thought of. I am sure none of these ideas would ever be considered, be it some, similar ideas or all of them. I will do 1 more final review on Conquest in another week or two once Trion seems to get everything tweaked more to their liking and the communities complaining on the forums/feedback.
This will be my first Conquest Review of either two or three more because of the amount of updates Conquest is receiving everyday so far because of the current problems and performance issues it is causing Rift overall.
Right now people are either constantly spawn camping 1 faction or being spawn camped by another faction while also receiving an insane amount of Prestige and Favor as each person races to hit Rank 50, obtain the weapons and gear as well as work towards getting the best in slot trinket and glove runes.
Overall I like the idea of Conquest and what it should have brought to the game and PVP but not what it is now.
I really do not get how Trion nor any of those who played it on the PTS and provided feedback did not think that allowing another faction to enter one factions base without any actual base protection or penalty would not result in spawn camping. Nearly every game has implementations on spawn camping either by providing that team with another spawn, there being an invisible wall and so forth many different things. Trion even does not allow you to enter the opposing teams spawn in Warfronts, so how did they forget to do the same for Conquest?
Please be rest assured that I am not “QQing” from what I just said, I participated in the spawn camping as nearly everyone else did to. If you did not, you either do not care to PVP, do not care about the gear/trinket/runes or just flat out lying. It was never an exploit or cheating, Trion had the last few days to disable Conquest and still has yet to nor did they rush in any fixes to stop the on-going issues towards this specific issue but still managed to fix other ones.
While I did participate in the spawn camping, I was already Rank 45 before anyone was doing this and learned of this. I hit Rank 45 just around the time they disabled the port to Zareph’s Return which I also was not aware of till after and then people started to spawn camp a lot. I was already on my way to becoming Shard First Rank 50 on Faeblight just as I earned Shard First Rank 8 for Rogue back on Faemist August of last year. It means absolutely nothing though to acquire this, seeing how theatrically people do not have to do much at all to gain prestige in Warfronts (and now Conquest) but it is still something I wanted to obtain first.
Update: My second Conquest Review is now up.